oh baby, here comes the sound.

Bio: i am a hyperintelligent shade of the color blue. I live in Denver with my cat, Simon Moon, who constantly tries to kill me.
Location: denvermolorado
Birthday: may 1983
Zodiac: gemini
Gender: chick
Occupation: shoe salesperson, knit and crochet teacher, professional bohemian.


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last 5.

Not dead. Just busy.

despite a bad weekend, i still am a sappy sucker.

at the walker art center, minneapolis.

post-road trip without the boy ramble.

04.13.05 - 8:31 am
I have to tell somebody this, and my roommate will make fun of me for being girly.

Last night on the telephone Robert pretty much asked me to move in with him when we move to Minneapolis in August. We were talking about moving and how we're excited, and he was saying how he hopes he can get a job up there that will allow him to move around the same time that I do, and then that he could probably live with Kyle again, but by that time he'd definitely not mind living with me...

I pretty much said yes. I'd be with him every night if I could, right now. I don't know what I will tell my mother, but I'm happy. She might not be very happy about it, but I know she'll deal with it. If I'm not living with someone she can pretend that we aren't getting on each other all the time.

I feel such love for him I think my heart is going to pop. Is this what happens when you finally find the right boy?