oh baby, here comes the sound.

Bio: i am a hyperintelligent shade of the color blue. I live in Denver with my cat, Simon Moon, who constantly tries to kill me.
Location: denvermolorado
Birthday: may 1983
Zodiac: gemini
Gender: chick
Occupation: shoe salesperson, knit and crochet teacher, professional bohemian.


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last 5.

Not dead. Just busy.

despite a bad weekend, i still am a sappy sucker.

at the walker art center, minneapolis.

post-road trip without the boy ramble.

05.05.03 - 3:30 am

and she is watching
and it is too late now
and she is waiting for him to come home

and he is gasping
for stale recycled air
and he is hoping for sleep
and he is dreaming
of some other lover

and her eyes
lower slowly
and she is drowning
in the blue flicker of her tv
and she is never going back there
not ever again


wow, this is really shit, but i'm really sleepy. So I've ceased to care. at least i made myself write. which i almost spelt "rite". I'm a retard when i get tired.